ftp: 367 bytes received in 0.02Seconds 50.40Kbytes/sec. 150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for /bin/ls. How to use: Type the following into the Command Prompt or Terminal (server response shows as code, and the portion you type appears as highlighted code).įtp> ls or (depending on server type) ftp>dir 200 PORT command successful.Firewalls and proxies that block the incoming/outgoing data connection can also cause this problem. Not having the appropriate passive or non-passive mode set in the FTP client can cause this issue. If the FTP command line appears to freeze after the "dir" command, there is most likely a problem with establishing a data connection.
What's tested: This command tests data transfer capabilities. If you are not logged in (you do not see line 5), investigate your password (the server does not recognize your password). (It's possible that the server does not recognize the user name.) If you are not prompted for your user name (you do not see line 3), investigate your login information. If you are not prompted for your login (you do not see line 2), investigate whether the server is down, whether you have the correct server name, or whether the firewall/proxy is not allowing a connection. Failure: You are unable to connect to the server. If password is correct, ftp> prompt appears. Success: User is prompted for password. Line numbers are provided only for reference and aren't present in the window.
How to use: Type the following into the Command Prompt or Terminal (server response shows as code, and the portion you type appears as highlighted code ). What's tested: This command tests if the server is live and reachable, and if the user name/password is correct.